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2017 NAA Election: Candidate endorsements announced

The following candidates will be running for election at the annual meeting on July 13 at the 68th International Auctioneers Conference and Show in Columbus, Ohio: Vice President Timothy Mast, CAI, AARE Darron Meares, CAI, BAS, MPPA Director Trisha Brauer, CAI, BAS David Whitley, CAI, CES Treasurer Thomas Rowell, CAI, AARE While the treasurer serves a two-year term, serving on the board is a three-year commitment for the Vice President and Directors. The Vice President serves a one-year term, ascends to the presidency the following year, then concludes service as Chairman of the Board. Directors may serve two, three-year terms. Two Directors are elected each year. Absentee ballots will be available on May 1, 2017, for members only, at auctioneers.org. Ballots must be received in the NAA office by 4 p.m. on Monday, July 3 in a sealed envelope with the member's name and member number on the outside of the envelope. Individuals who vote by absentee ballot and then decide they wish to vote in person may request their ballot be returned prior to the closing of the polls at the annual business meeting. The nominating committee's process for recognizing candidates consists of reviewing applications and interviewing each candidate. Detailed descriptions of each position as well as the qualifications, knowledge, and skills needed based on the competencies required for the board are outlined on the NAA website. Candidates are given until the end of February to complete and return an application to be considered to serve on the board. Per NAA Bylaws, up to two candidates per position may be endorsed by the committee. Candidates who do not receive an endorsement may still run for election by notifying NAA headquarters by April 1 to be included on absentee ballots. This year all candidates received the Committee's endorsement. Last fall, the NAA Board of Directors approved bylaw changes that allow an individual member of the board to seek a second consecutive term on the Board of Directors. The five-member Nominating Committee includes: Spanky Assiter, CAI, AARE, Chair, NAA Chairman of the Board; John Nicholls, AARE, AMM, NAA President; Janine Huisman, CAI, AMM, BAS, CAS, GPPA, EI Trustees, Vice Chair; J.J. Dower, CAI, AARE, AMM, CES, NAA Foundation President; and Jason Miller, CAI, State Representative from the Ohio Auctioneers Association.

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